for anyone who will be reading this blog, it is mainly here to keep friends and family in touch with me while i am teaching english in mexico. tehuacan,puebla,mexico actually. some of you might be thinking, "gee, I didn't know suzanne knew spanish." well friends, i definitely do not know spanish. hence, the need for this blog to write about all of my blunders and mishaps while in the great mexican country of mexico. it is bound to be a doozy of an adventure.
i leave on august 11th, and get home on december 17th. yup! i'll be home for christmas. and i would be lying if i said that i did not cry while listening to that song recently...i'm just a little sad that i won't be around family and snow during the holiday season, but that's ok! i will be surrounded by mariachi bands and pinatas, and really, who could ask for anything more? and yes, i am making my family have thanksgiving with me before i leave. and i am rather excited about thanksgiving in august! who needs christmas in july?
that's right. be jealous.
well, i have rambled on long enough. the moral to the story is this: i won't really be able to communicate home that much while in mexico, so this is where i will get the news out! leave a comment. be it nasty, funny, rude, or sweet - chances are that i will probably just be happy to hear from people! Adios!