If I hadn't been born in the USA, I think I might have done really well across the pond in London. For example:
1- I love Harry Potter, and Hogwarts is there. Duh.
2- I love anything that is made by BBC. Downton Abbey? Sherlock? Pride and Prejudice? I could keep going, believe me. If you haven't watched Downton Abbey, just do.
3- Doctor Who. This is a recent acquisition for me. And if you ask me what a TARDIS is, prepare to be nerded out by me.
4- My recent obsession with British boy bands . What the what? I'm not really sure what brought this on. The only thing that I can think of is when I did this with Spice Girls and S Club 7 back in the day. Waaaaay back in the day. I guess my love has just resurfaced! I'm not complaining.
5- Daniel Craig, Jack Davenport, Richard Armitage (desert island guy, Mom!), David Beckham. I could go on, but I won't.
Go ahead, be embarrassed for me:
In other news, no more Lee's and lots more working at Logan High School! I am now a Grizzly. (*But a bear nonetheless*) I work in the severe unit of the post-high program. It can be challenging at times, but I really love it! I'm definitely learning a lot, and it makes me happy to know that special education is what I want to do!
Things to take away from this blog post: Suzanne is a nerd/wannabe-Brit and her life is great!
And if you know what this is:
You are bloody awesome.