The market is just GIGANTIC!!!! I wouldn't have been surprised if I got lost multiple times, but thank goodness I didn't. I probably would've cried. That wouldn't have attracted attention at all...
Here are pictures!
Everywhere there were all these huge bins full of pottery that was so beautiful. I just loved how it looked, and had to take tons of pictures!
In the first part of the market they had everything to do with Dia de los Muertos, and they had the coolest candies everywhere! And some really sick stuff that I don't even want to talk about, but the candies were awesome. I don't know how they make it, or how they keep it from melting in the hot Mexican sun, but they do it!
This is Pan de Muertos. It has something to do with Day of the Dead, but I honestly have no idea! I should probably figure that out, since I live in Mexico and am seeing it everywhere. It is sooo good!
These pots were everywhere, and they make all sorts of beans and other foods in them. Definitely a Mexico staple. Plus they were crazy cheap! Only 25 pesos, which is roughly $2.20 - anyone want one? I can afford that :)
There were tons of peppers there. Then I realized that I was in Mexico, and felt like an idiot. One day my family and I were in the store and I didn't know why EVERYTHING was written in Spanish! Yeah...I hit my head on the bottom of a pool.
The man who was selling his peppers kept on wanting me to take a picture of him, and I kept on motioning to him that I didn't want to take a picture of him. I finally just gave in and pretended to take a picture of him, and sneakily didn't. Ha ha ha! Too bad. I probably made his day.
So here in Tehuacan there is a ritual called 'La Matanza,' where they slaughter thousands of sheep in a showing of thanks. There's more to it, but I can't really remember. I guess if you really want to know more, I will find out for you. Anyway - there is a special dish called Mole de Caderas where it is a soup made with the hip bone of the sheep, and is very expensive. They only have it this time of year, and it costs about 200 pesos for one dish - which is outlandish for Mexico! A parent of one of my students invited me over for dinner to have it, and I am very excited. In the picture, you can see the feet from the sheep, and the little bundle of strings is actually intestines. Weird. It is all tied up in a little bow! How...cute?
Classic Mexican style - shirt half up. Not even kidding.
The End!
Me, me! I want a bowl! The market looks like a blast. I'm glad you're having fun and getting to see and really experience Mexico. Gross with the whole sheep parts. EWWWWW!