You heard me right. I'm talking about YOU Jamba Juice! Whether it be your delicious smoothies, or equally-delicious over-priced oatmeal, I love your product. I'm eatin' what you're makin'. I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down. I'm mowin' what you're growin'. I'm wearin' what you're sewin'.

The thing with Jamba Juice is that it is mucho dinero and I can only go every once in a while. I don't know what it is about their specific smoothies, but I can never just seem to replicate them! Even with all of the "verified" recipes that I search for on the internet, they just turn out to be a so-so smoothie. So when I actually go to Jamba Juice and get one, it is worth it to me. So today before class, I decided that for some reason or another I deserved a Jamba Juice. So I took the thirty-second drive and ordered my Red Gummy Bear smoothie. (Weird story: I went and ordered my smoothie and the girl said, "Don't you mean
White Gummy Bear?" No, I do not mean WHITE Gummy Bear! I said RED.
Well, I said that in my head at least. Well the girl turns to her co-worker and asks how she makes it and the other girl said, "It's just White Gummy Bear, but add some red." What sort of red are you adding?! Blood? Crayons? Raw hamburger?)
Eventually I got my smoothie and thoroughly enjoyed most of it, but I looked at my clock and realized that I needed to go to class, so I ran out to the bus stop. As soon as I got on the bus I sat down and took a long sip.
So good. Well I look in the bus driver's mirror and she is giving me a knowing look and pointing at the tiny trash can that they have on the bus. The nerve! She wouldn't start the bus until I threw it away. I thought that I might have a Rosa Parks moment, but decided that I didn't want all of the press from it. So, I threw it away. There was still a good 1/4 left!
As I was walking to the library I thought of all other nasty qualities that the bus driver was sure to have... S
tealing candy from pennies to children on Halloween...taking tennis balls off of the bottom of elderly peoples' walkers ...but I needed to stop. I'm sure that she is a -- nice -- person. Just doing her job of taking her passengers to and from where they needed to go. As soon as I admitted this to myself, a girl came up to me and gave me a FREE peanut butter and jelly sandwich. What the?! Did you see that one coming? Because I sure didn't.
Here is what I take away from this experience: 1)Food and drink is not allowed on buses. Wish I had known that sooner. 2) Don't think bad thoughts about other people. It isn't nice. No one wants to be categorized as the house that no one wants to go to trick-or-treating. 3) Sometimes,
just sometimes, what goes around comes around, and if you lose 1/4 of your Jamba Juice smoothie you might just get it back in the form of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Fair trade if you ask me.
5)Don't go to Jamba Juice with four sandwiches expecting a free smoothie. They don't think it's funny.