I'm homesick...
...but not for Tremonton (Sorry Mom and Dad!). I'm homesick for a little town in Mexico called Tehuacan. Where the streets are dirty and there are dogs everywhere. Where people would look at me funny and then say any English word that they know. I miss almost getting hit by the combis, and eating mystery meat in tacos (it's better to not ask sometimes). I miss bartering for fresh orange juice at the street corners. I miss playing with my little brothers. I miss the place where I wasn't just 'Suzy.'
I was 'Teacher Suzy'.
Can you blame me?
These are my kids at the ILP school. I miss them so much! Benjamin was just the funniest kid - if I turned my back for one second he would be upstairs hiding in the bathroom, or outside playing with something he knew he wasn't supposed to, or finding the kitchen timer and not giving it back (a favorite past-time of his. Why? I'm not sure). He made sure that everyday we our class discussion about John Cena, because I obviously didn't know enough about him. In the video if you listened carefully, you would hear me say "If you speak Spanish you'll go in the cockroach corner." Funny story: That room, lovingly dubbed The Dungeon, was quite the room to behold. Cracked windows, creepy door - the works! Well, since one of the doors in the school is just bars (like unto a jail), all sorts of fun things would crawl into our school. NASTY. It was a common occurrence during the rainy season to go on mosquito hunts with rolled up newspapers. If we didn't do it, we would be miserable for all of class time. Well, one day we went into the room and there were three dead cockroaches on the floor. Gross! We were all freaking out and I think that I may have blocked it from my memory how we got rid of them, because I don't remember it. In the end, one of the cockroaches ended up under a chair in the corner which was then christened, 'The Cockroach Corner.' In ILP, if one of the students spoke in Spanish they had to go sit in The Spanish Chair, but since these kids were older and more sophisticated (obviously), they got a...cooler...place to go when they spoke Spanish.
Needless to say, they spoke English.
These are some of my kids at Discovery. Mikel is one of my favorites!They were so crazy and caused me so much stress and I wanted to pull my hair out at times, but they were always so sweet. They loved doing the activities that I planned and were so sad when I left. Is it bad that I was glad they were going to miss me? Judge.
I found this gem of a picture. I wish I had this boys talent!

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